If you're reading this then you are most likely struggling with debt, have family/friends who are struggling or have struggled in the past.
We're here to tell you that debt doesn't have to be a problem in your life anymore. That's because we have the perfect solution. But first, here is our commitment to you:
“After speaking with thousands of individuals, we have a great sense of how you are feeling when debt is controlling your life. It limits you in places that you do not want to be limited, can cause stress in your life where you do not need it, and can even be a weight on your friends and family. Because debt is such a burden for so many American families, we are committed to helping as many as possible escape this struggle.”
Our solution to your debt problems comes in two words: personal loan.
What is a personal loan?
A personal loan is simply a loan that you can apply for and use for personal uses. They’re not as widely advertised as other types of loans like student loans, mortgages, or auto loans however they’re even more effective than these three types of loans put together. If you’re interested in escaping your debt more quickly and easily then personal loans are perfect for you.
Let’s take a look at the process behind using a personal loan to solve your debt problem:
Take out a Personal Loan
This process is incredibly easy and can be done by giving one of our experts a call today. Once our experts determine that a personal loan is actually the best option for your situation, you can expect to get approved in as little as 48 hours. Our goal is to help get you to get debt-free as quickly as possible! This means that you do not have to wait weeks or months for you to get your loan.
It can seem backward that loans are the source of your debt in the first place but now you are taking out a loan to solve that. This brings us to the next step.

Pay off high-interest debt
This is the key to our plan and why it has been so successful for so many people. After taking out a personal loan, you will use that to repay your loans that carry the highest rates of interest. Think of this like paying off your creditors who are the most aggressive. They will be paid in full and finally off your back. Now, you will be working with someone who is much more flexible and friendly!
The best part is that personal loans carry a much lower rate of interest. The average rate of interest on a personal loan is about 4-6%. Compare this to something like credit card interest that has a rate of 20-30%. This means that you will be saving money in interest each time you make a payment.
Escape your debt more cheaply and quickly
Because you’re now repaying a personal loan (not credit card debt or similar high-interest debt) you will be able to pay it off more cheaply and quickly. It will be cheaper because you will save an incredible amount in interest as you consistently make payments.
Saving money on the interest payments will allow you to pay it off more quickly because you will be able to contribute more money each month to paying down the principal.

This is the most common way to use a personal loan and it is by far the most effective. However, we mentioned that personal loans are incredibly effective. Let’s look at a few other ways that they can be used.
Use our comparison calculator to see how much you would be saving

This brings us to two different ways that people use personal loans apart from debt restructuring:
Pay for an emergency expense
Emergencies happen and when they do, it is usually almost impossible to avoid paying for it. However, you also do not want to use all of your cash to pay for it and do not want to use a credit card. Instead, you can pay for it all with a personal loan which you can then repay in small payments each month.
Finance large purchases
The most common example of this is relocating to a new area for a job. Moving comes with lots of expenses that can not really be avoided. However, you need to make the move in order to start your job. For this type of situation, personal loans are a perfect way to get the capital that you need. Another great example is putting a much-needed addition onto your home.
These are just a few ways that personal loans can act as a solution to your debt problems. However, there are even more different ways that they can help than we listed here.
What is the approval process?
When you work with Capital Associates we want to make the process as easy and simple as possible. We know that finance can sometimes be designed to sound confusing and the last thing we want you to do is to be unsure of what you are signing up for.
Because of this, we are more than happy to speak with you and get a good understanding of your situation. Once we are both on the same page and agree that a personal loan is best for you, the process will work like this:
1 Get approved for your loan
Getting approved for a personal loan only takes up to 48 hours. Our mission is to get you on the path to being debt-free as quickly as possible. This means no more waiting weeks or months to hear back about your future!
2 Use it to your advantage
Whether you want to use your loan to restructure debt or something else, you will have full access to be able to build a better future for yourself.
3 Get debt-free
Assuming that you use your loan to restructure debt, then you will be on a much faster path to becoming debt-free! Using a personal loan will get you debt-free in a way that is faster and much cheaper.
It’s our mission to help you get out of debt. We know that debt can be a leech that sucks on your finances. Give us a call and get that leech removed today!
Interested? Give us a call today!
Getting started with a personal loan can be an incredibly exciting experience! Finally, you’ll be on the road to getting debt-free in a way that is easier and cheaper. Your only regret with getting started is that you did not start earlier!
That being said, there may still be a few questions that you need to be answered. If this is the case, please do not hesitate to give us a call today!
Here are a few benefits of calling: